young's modulus calculator

➤ calculate young’s modulus
➤ calculate stress based on young’s modulus
➤ calculate strain based on young’s modulus

calculate young's modulus

young's modulus = stress/strain

enter a value:


calculation result:

young's modulus:
Newton / Meter2

calculate stress

stress = young's modulus × strain

enter a value:

young's modulus:

calculation result:

Newton / Meter2

calculate strain

strain = stress/young's modulus

enter a value:

young's modulus:

calculation result:

young's modulus calculator young's modulus is a physical quantity that describes the ability of a solid material to resist deformation. a metal wire of length l and cross-sectional area s is stretched by δl under the action of force f. f/s is called stress, and its physical meaning is the force exerted by the unit cross-sectional area of ​​the metal wire; δl/l is called strain, and its physical meaning is the elongation corresponding to the unit length of the metal wire. the ratio of stress to strain is called the elastic modulus: ie. δl is a small amount of change.
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