subwoofer vent length calculator

➤ calculate vent or port length
➤ calculate the volume of the box
➤ calculate tuning frequency
➤ calculate final correction coefficient

calculate the length of a vent or port

`L=[2.35625×10^4×D^2×N]/[V×F^2]-K×D `
l = length of vent or port
d = diameter of vent
n = number of ports
v = volume of the box
f = tuning frequency
k = final correction factor

enter a value:

vent diameter:
number of ports:
box volume:
tuning frequency:
terminal correction coefficient:

calculation result:

vent length:

subwoofer vent length calculator

`L=[2.35625×10^4×D^2×N]/[F^2×(L+K×D)] `
v = box volume
d = vent diameter
n = number of ports
f = tuning frequency
l = length of vent or port
k = final correction factor

enter a value:

exhaust port diameter:
number of ports or vents:
tuning frequency:
vent length:
terminal correction coefficient:

calculation result:

box volume:

calculate tuning frequency

`L=√[2.35625×10^4×D^2×N]/[V×(L+K×D)] `
f = tuning frequency
d = exhaust port diameter
n = number of ports
v = volume of the box
l = length of vent or port
k = final correction factor

enter a value:

vent diameter:
number of ports or vents:
box volume:
snorkel length:
terminal correction coefficient:

calculation result:

tuning frequency:

calculate final correction factor

`K=1/D×([2.35625×10^4×D^2×N]/[V×F^2]-L) `
k = terminal correction coefficient
d = exhaust port diameter
n = number of ports
l = length of vent or port
f = tuning frequency
v = volume of the box

enter a value:

vent diameter:
number of ports or vents:
box volume:
adjust frequency:
snorkel length:

calculation result:

terminal correction coefficient:
why do you need to determine the length to use for the subwoofer port?

there are many reasons for this, for example, correct port length helps reduce subwoofer port noise. before we get into that though, let’s first explain what a ported subwoofer box is.

a port box or vented box or bass reflex box is a subbox that uses vents (holes) cut into the box to connect to ducts or ducts that are connected to the ports.

this hole or port is used to increase the system's efficiency at low frequencies by directing sound from the rear of the speaker's diaphragm so that the speaker can be properly tuned.

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