strouhal number calculator

enter the value, select the unit, and click calculate. the calculation results will be displayed.
Sr = strouhal number v = velocity
l = characteristic length f = frequency

enter a value:

characteristic length (l):

calculation result:

strouhal number (sr):
strouhal number the strouhal number is a similarity criterion introduced when discussing physical similarity and modeling in fluid mechanics. commonly used similarity criteria are reynolds number, mach number, froude number, prandtl number, eckert number and nusselt number. the strouhal number is used when considering circular motion with characteristic frequencies. for example, in the experiment of the model injection noise spectrum, we obtained the strehal number of the spectrum peak frequency fp as st = =0.2 where: d is the model nozzle diameter; us is the injection speed. according to the similarity and modeling, the strouhal number is a constant, then for the actual injection, the peak frequency of the injection noise is fp=0.2 where: uj and d are the speed and diameter of the actual injection respectively.
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