simple mechanical calculator

enter the value and click "calculate", the calculation result will be displayed.

IMA = 2 × R1 / R1 - R2
Efficiency = AMA / IMA
R1 = radius of wider pulley
R2 = radius of small pulley
Fw = load to be lifted
Fl = lift force exerted

enter a value:

wide pulley radius:
small pulley radius:
load to be lifted:
lifting force applied:

calculation result:

ideal mechanical advantages:
practical mechanical advantages:
simple mechanical calculator most people think of machines as complex items, such as bank machines, refrigerators, cars, or airplanes. however, any device that transmits or changes force or torque for a specific purpose may be called a machine. for example, screws and simple wheels are machines. a simple machine is a device with few or no moving parts that is used to perform work by changing force and motion. they are the simplest devices that use mechanical advantage (defined below) to increase strength. these devices are called simple machines.
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