reduced seat valves and fittings calculator

enter the value and click "calculate", the calculation result will be displayed.

k = k value of main valve
K1 =reduce the k value of the valve seat
β = dvalve / dpipeline
KR = k reducer value
KE = k amplification value

enter a value:

reduce the k value of the valve seat:
k reducer value:
k amplification value
β :

calculation result:

k value of main valve:
reduction seat valve and fitting calculator

the reduced-bore seat valve is divided into three parts: the reduced-bore (constricted) part, the segmented valve and the amplifier part.

the k value is related to the size of the valve in the pipeline and is determined for each section.


the full k value is the valve k value of the reducer, segmented valve, and amplifier. since the valve part k value depends on the valve seat diameter rather than the pipe diameter, it must be adjusted by a correction factor to determine the correct k value for the pipe diameter.

the valve correction factor is the ratio of the valve seat diameter divided by the fourth power of the pipe diameter (often called β).

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