pipe shrinkage calculator

enter the value and click "calculate", the calculation result will be displayed.
`K=0.8×sin(θ/2)×(1-β^2)`    ( θ ≤ 45° )
`K=1/2×(1-β^2)×(sin(θ/2))^[1/2]`    ( 45°< θ ≤180° )
θ = Angle of Approach
β = dminor / dmajor

enter a value:

approach angle:

(enter angles less than 180°)

calculation result:

k value:
pipe shrinkage calculator the change in fluid velocity caused by the change in joint diameter is obtained through fitting. pressure drop is also velocity dependent, varying in the direction of fit. use the example to input data: gradient angle: 90; β: 10 click "calculate", k value: -45.6610
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