modulus of rupture calculator

enter the value and click "calculate", the calculation result will be displayed.

M = ( 2 x P x L ) / ( 2 x b x d2 )
m = modulus of rupture
p = breaking load
l = distance between the knife edges supporting the specimen
b = average specimen width
d = average specimen depth

enter a value:

breaking load (p):
average distance (l):
average width(b):
average depth(d):

calculation result:

modulus of rupture:
pounds per square inch
modulus of rupture calculator

usage example
enter the data: breaking load is 10 pounds; average distance is 2 inches; average width is 2 inches; average depth is 2 inches, click "calculate"; the results are displayed.

output: modulus of rupture 3.75 psi.

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