ic 555 timer calculator
enter the value and click "calculate", the calculation result will be displayed.
enter the value and click "calculate", the calculation result will be displayed.
the 555 chip is a widely used integrated circuit that has been used in countless projects since the 1970s. it can run in multiple modes:
monostable mode, in which a single state is unstable at a given time;
bistable mode, where the chip remains in one of two stable states until the prompt changes; and
astable mode, in which the 555's output oscillates between "high" and "high". state and the "low" state are rectangular waves.
the applications of this chip are diverse: you can use it to create timers, pulses or delays in circuits in monostable mode, flip-flop circuits (not sandals) in bistable mode, and – most commonly ——as an oscillator in astable mode.