ic 555 timer calculator

enter the value and click "calculate", the calculation result will be displayed.

Tp = 0.693 × (Ra + Rb) × C
Tn = 0.693 × Rb × C
Frequency = 1.44 / [(Ra + Rb + Rb) × C]

enter a value:

resistor ra:
K Ohms
resistor rb:
K Ohms

calculation result:

positive time interval tp:
negative time interval tn:
what is 555ic?

the 555 chip is a widely used integrated circuit that has been used in countless projects since the 1970s. it can run in multiple modes:

monostable mode, in which a single state is unstable at a given time;

bistable mode, where the chip remains in one of two stable states until the prompt changes; and

astable mode, in which the 555's output oscillates between "high" and "high". state and the "low" state are rectangular waves.

the applications of this chip are diverse: you can use it to create timers, pulses or delays in circuits in monostable mode, flip-flop circuits (not sandals) in bistable mode, and – most commonly ——as an oscillator in astable mode.
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