equal component butterworth high pass filter calculator

enter the cutoff frequency value, either value - resistor or capacitor, any value - resistor rc or resistor rd, then click calculate. the results will be displayed.

Ra = filter resistor
Rb = filter resistor
(Ra = Rb)
Ca = filter capacitor
Cb = filter capacitor
(Ca = Cb)
Rc = feedback resistor
Rd = feedback resistor

enter a value:

cutoff frequency:

calculation result:

(enter any value - resistor or capacitor, then
any value - resistor rc or resistor rd

resistor(ra = Rb):
capacitor (ca = Cb):
resistor rc:
resistor rd:
equal component butterworth high pass filter calculator enter the cutoff frequency value, any resistor or capacitor value, any resistor rc or resistor rd, and click "calculate". the results will be displayed.
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