darcy-weisbach equation calculator

➤calculate head loss
➤calculate acceleration due to gravity
➤calculate pipe diameter
➤calculate friction coefficient
➤calculate pipe length
➤calculate flow rate

calculate head loss

`H_L=[F×L×V^2]/[2×D×g] `
HL = head loss
f = coefficient of friction
v = flow rate
l = pipe length
d = pipe diameter
g = acceleration due to gravity

enter a value:

friction coefficient:
pipe length:
pipe diameter:
flow rate:
acceleration due to gravity:

calculation result:

head loss:

calculate acceleration due to gravity

g = acceleration due to gravity
f = coefficient of friction
v = flow rate
l = pipe length
d = pipe diameter
HL = head loss

enter a value:

friction coefficient:
head loss:
pipe length:
pipe diameter:
flow rate:

calculation result:

acceleration due to gravity:

calculate pipe diameter

d = pipe diameter
f = coefficient of friction
v = flow rate
l = pipe length
g = acceleration due to gravity
HL = head loss

enter a value:

friction coefficient:
head loss:
pipe length:
flow rate:
acceleration due to gravity:

calculation result:

pipe diameter:

calculate coefficient of friction

f = coefficient of friction
d = pipe diameter
HL = head loss
g = acceleration due to gravity
l = pipe length
v = flow rate

enter a value:

head loss:
pipe length:
pipe diameter:
flow rate:
acceleration due to gravity:

calculation result:

friction coefficient:

calculate pipe length

l = pipe length
d = pipe diameter
HL = head loss
g = acceleration due to gravity
f = coefficient of friction
v = flow rate

enter a value:

friction coefficient:
head loss:
pipe diameter:
flow rate:
acceleration due to gravity:

calculation result:

pipe length:

calculate flow rate

`V=√[2×H_L×D×g]/[F×L] `
v = flow rate
d = pipe diameter
HL = head loss
g = acceleration due to gravity
f = coefficient of friction
l = pipe length

enter a value:

friction coefficient:
head loss:
pipe length:
pipe diameter:
acceleration due to gravity:

calculation result:

flow rate:
darcy-weisbach equation calculator the darcy-weisbach equation is a formula used to calculate pressure loss in fluids in pipes. this formula is widely used in fluid mechanics and hydraulic engineering, especially in the design and analysis of pipeline transportation systems.
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