cauchy number calculator

➤ calculate cauchy number
➤ calculate bulk modulus elasticity
➤ calculate density
➤ calculate flow rate

calculate cauchy number

c = cauchy number
d = density
v = speed
e = bulk elastic modulus

enter a value:

flow rate:
bulk elastic modulus:

calculation result:

cauchy number:

calculate bulk elastic modulus

e = bulk elastic modulus
d = density
v = speed
c = cauchy number

enter a value:

flow rate:
cauchy number:

calculation result:

bulk elastic modulus:

calculate density

d = density
c = cauchy number
e = bulk elastic modulus
v = speed

enter a value:

cauchy number:
bulk elastic modulus:
flow rate:

calculation result:


calculate flow rate

v = speed
c = cauchy number
e = bulk elastic modulus
d = density

enter a value:

cauchy number:
bulk elastic modulus:

calculation result:

flow rate:
cauchy number calculator the cauchy number (ca) is a dimensionless number associated with compressible flow in fluid mechanics. it is named after the french mathematician augustin-louis cauchy. when the impact of compressibility is large, elastic force also needs to be considered when considering dynamic similar inertia forces. the cauchy number is the ratio of the fluid's inertial force to its compressive force (elastic force). the calculation formula is shown in the figure above, where: ρ - fluid density (si unit: kg/m3); v - local fluid velocity (si unit: m/s); k - bulk modulus (si unit: pa) .
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