capacitor frequency inductor calculator

enter any two values ​​below and press the calculate button.

capacitance (uf):
capacitor frequency inductor calculator

frequency inductance and capacitance calculation tool is a free capacitance and inductance frequency calculation tool. it is small, easy to use and has a simple interface. you can simply enter any two of frequency, inductance, or capacitance and easily calculate the other. helps you save computing time.

instructions for use
frequency, inductance, capacitance, input: frequency-f; inductance-l; capacitance-c;

inductor: passes dc and resists ac, passes low frequency and resists high frequency, its impedance xl=2πfl;

capacitor: passes ac resistance and dc resistance, passes high frequency, blocks low frequency, and its impedance xc=1/2πfc.

the characteristics of an inductor are completely opposite to those of a capacitor. it has the characteristics of preventing the passage of alternating current and allowing the smooth passage of direct current. the resistance when the dc signal passes through the coil is the resistance voltage drop of the wire itself. when an ac signal passes through the coil, a self-induced electromotive force will be generated at both ends of the coil. the direction of the self-induced electromotive force is opposite to the direction of the applied voltage, hindering the passage of alternating current. , so the characteristics of the inductor are to pass dc and resist ac. the higher the frequency, the greater the coil impedance. inductors are often used in combination with capacitors in circuits to form lc filters, lc oscillators, etc. in addition, people also use the characteristics of inductors to make chokes, transformers, relays, etc.

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